Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident of our products’ effectiveness that we guarantee it. Just use the products as instructed on the label for 30 days, all the while maintaining a sensible training regime and a healthy diet. If you are not satisfied with the results, please send the goods back to us in the original packaging to us within 40 days, including your training and meal plans where we will review and determine if you qualify for a refund.

Guarantee terms and conditions:

Refunds will be offered on a proportionate basis to reflect how much of the product has been used.

Powdered products will be weighed on return to LeoNutrition Shop to establish how much has been returned.

If you take advantage of any multibuy offer or discount, you will be refunded according to the discount that was applied to the offer.

Please allow at least 7 working days for your refund or exchange to be processed.

The money back guarantee applies to all products purchased on LeoNutrition or through our Customer Service department. LeoNutrition stockists are not obliged to offer the same service.

If you take advantage of any offers on the same product, all tubs/bottles/bars (including empty containers) will need to be returned for a refund to be made. Please ensure that tamper evident seals on unused products are not broken (other than the one tried) as only the sealed products can be refunded in full .

Refunds and exchanges can only be given for products received by us within 40 days from receipt of order and only if we have the original packaging and any remaining content returned to us. However, exchanges will not be further exchanged or refunded. Products that are out of date will not be refunded.

We cannot be held responsible for lost returns, caused by your choice of carrier. We therefore recommend you send your goods back via a recorded, special or proof of delivery service.

LeoNutrition Shop’s money back guarantee does not affect and is in addition to your statutory rights and is subject to standard terms and conditions.

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